Izzy in the Army
Izzy in the Israel Defense Forces, 1983-1986
THIS IS A REAL PICTURE - NOT STAGED!!! Taken either in Sept. 1984 or 1985, while Izzy was serving in the IDF Rabbinical Army Band, at a joint performance with the IDF's official orchestra, at one of the army bases in Israel. In the picture, seated, is the IDF official marching and ceremonial orchestra; on the far right is IDF Chief Rabbi, Major General Gad Navon, giving a speech. In the center is a sign that reads "Welcome to the Revival Tour” (literally, “welcome to the wake up journey"!) i.e., before the High Holidays. Click on the picture to enlarge and observe three soldiers yawning and others dozing off ...
At a soldiers' swearing-in ceremony at the Kotel (Western Wall), Jerusalem
Jerusalem Day at Mt. Scopus
A memorial for the Israeli Navy in Ashdod
IDF Chief Cantor, Lt. Col. Arye Braun
Izzy and conductor Moshe "Mona" Rosenblum